Re: First Adventure/Experience

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Posted by Wetchas on January 29, 2024 at 11:09:55

In Reply to: Re: First Adventure/Experience posted by Matt on January 29, 2024 at 09:08:01:

School was one of the Catalysts for my many years of clothed soaking.
I used to have to walk about a mile to secondary school,and the British weather being what it is meant getting wet on a regular basis. Mother didn't like it though, and I got some serious earache from her.
Speedo's were regulation wear for swimming, even at the beach in the Summer. I once asked if I could cut down a pair of old jeans. No chance
Secondary school gave me the chance to go in the pool in football shorts, although these were thick heavy cotton ones not the polyester you get these days.
I did manage to talk Mother into doing away with pyjamas and wore white football shorts to bed instead. Big mistake. Despite being washed regularly they soon became very yellow and spunk stained at the front owing the many yields that were emptied into them.
Many first school trouser soaking was at Boys Brigade camp. The uniform was basically school uniform, with a hat and some armbands with badges on. There were daily bathing parades to the local beach. I hit on the idea of wearing my school trousers. I was a bit apprehensive as to what anyone else might think, maybe the leaders would stop me going in, but nobody said a word. In fact some of the other lads must have liked the idea, as a couple of days later we had a 'wrong trousers' swim, with plenty of pairs of jeans and school trousers.
So began my wackywet life, which for many years gave me much joy and happiness.

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